Monday, August 8, 2016

American Girl Josephina

Recently I went to Goodwill, I looked in the case and saw these 3 American Girl dolls. They were expensive and were in not the best of condition, one even had an arm fallen out.

I decided to buy one, and I picked Josephina! She was in the best condition because her limbs were tighter than the rest, and she had the least marks and I liked her the best and thought she was the prettiest. with discounts I got her for $33
her hair was very messy

she had marks on her nose

also on her feet

and her hands

She did come in her original nightgown

this is a back view of her

and a front view, overall she had to be cleaned because she had a layer of dirt on her skin.

This is after I brushed a section of her hair

her hair looks straighter, but it is frizzy

Then I decided to wash her hair, I used shampoo and conditioner, always cover her face and body when you wash your dolls hair.

it came out better, now I have to finish brushing it.

here is her finished hair! It came out so nice looking and I put it in a braid so it doesn't look too frizzy.

when I braided it, I realized it doesn't look frizzy at all, it looks better in real life.

here is a back view

I cleaned all the marks off with a magic eraser and she came out great!

I put her in a colorful striped top and molly's skirt, I also matched some purple our generation sandals with the outfit too! I love Josephina and I think she is a pretty doll.

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